
Profiles IPE


Cad blocks in dwg format of steel profiles IPE (H-profiles, steel sections, beams, shapes, rolled steel joist)for steel beams or columns. Cross section, plan and elevation of each of the profiles of the series: IPE-80, IPE-100, IPE-120, IPE-140, IPE-160, IPE-180, IPE-200, IPE-220, IPE-240, IPE-270, IPE-300, IPE-330, IPE-360, IPE-400, IPE-450, IPE-500, IPE-550, IPE-600. Standard dimensions.


1,50 €

Profiles IPN


Cad blocks in dwg format of steel profiles IPN (H-profiles, steel sections, beams, shapes, rolled steel joist)for steel beams or columns. Cross section, plan and elevation of each of the profiles of the series: IPN-80, IPN-100, IPN-120, IPN-140, IPN-160, IPN-180, IPN-200, IPN-220, IPN-240, IPN-260, IPN-280, IPN-300, IPN-320, IPN-340, IPN-360, IPN-380, IPN-400, IPN-425, IPN-450, IPN-475, IPN-500, IPN-550, IPN-600. Standard dimensions.


1,50 €

Profiles UPN and 2UPN


Cad blocks in dwg format of steel profiles UPN and 2UPN (European standard U channels, U-beam, steel sections, shapes, rolled steel joist)for steel beams or columns. Cross section, plan and elevation of each of the profiles of the series: UPN-80, UPN-100, UPN-120, UPN-140, UPN-160, UPN-180, UPN-200, UPN-220, UPN-240, UPN-260, UPN-280, UPN-300. Standard dimensions.


1,50 €

Profiles HEB


Cad blocks in dwg format of steel profiles HEB (H-profiles, IPB, steel sections, beams, shapes, rolled steel joist)for steel beams or columns. Cross section, plan and elevation of each of the profiles of the series: HEB-100, HEB-120, HEB-140, HEB-160, HEB-180, HEB-200, HEB-220, HEB-240, HEB-260, HEB-380, HEB-300, HEB-320, HEB-340, HEB-360, HEB-400, HEB-450, HEB-500, HEB-550, HEB-600. Standard dimensions.


1,50 €

Profiles UPE


Cad blocks in dwg format of UPE european standard U channels (U profile) with parallel flanges. Standard dimensions. Cross section, plan and elevations of each of the profiles of the series: UPE-80, UPE-100, UPE-120, UPE-140, UPE-160, UPE-180, UPE-200, UPE-220, UPE-240, UPE-270. UPE-300, UPE-330, UPE-360 and UPE-400.


1,50 €

Concrete spread footing under a steel column


Shallow foundations. Pad foundation. Construction detail (cad block) of a concrete spread footing (isolate footing) under a steel column. Dwg file format.


1,50 €

Strap footings. Shallow foundations. Steel Column.


Shallow foundations. Pad foundations. Costruction detail (cad block) of a strap footing connecting an eccentrically loaded column footing to an interior footing. Footings under steel external columns. Spread footing with single (uniaxial) eccentricity and spread footing with single eccentricity tied together with a strap beam (connecting beam). Dwg file format.


1,50 €

Concrete combined footing under a two steel columns


Shallow foundations. Pad foundation. Costruction detail (cad block) of a reinforced concrete combined footing (continuous, strip footing) under a two steel columns. Structural detailing. Dwg file format.


1,50 €

Composite steel deck floor without connectors

Cad block of composite steel deck floor. Cross section of composite slab composed of: steel deck (profiled steel sheeting), steel beam or joist, cast in situ concrete topping, top reinforcement mesh and bottom reinforcement. Includes guidance isometry. Construction detail in dwg file format.


1,50 €

Composite floor deck to RC wall connection


Cad block of composite steel deck floor (metal floor decking). Cross section of composite slab to reinforced concrete wall connection. Includes a connection isometric view. Construction detail in dwg file format.


1,50 €


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